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Energy Clearing


An energy clearing is a simple process of dispersing negative and stagnant energies within the body that prevent you from functioning at optimal levels daily.

Simply...releasing and clearing the energetic “gunk”!

It allows you to have clarity, empowerment and overall well being.

A clearing recharges, revitalizes and reactivates your good or positive energy.

It provides balance and harmony so that your energy is flowing evenly, balanced and aligned. 

An energy clearing can be conducted to:

- clear and cleanse aura and energy field

- optimize overall health and wellness (especially after illness)

- improve intuition and spiritual connection

- connect and ground

- reduce stress levels

- improve quality of sleep

Image by Content Pixie

Energy Blessing & Cleanse


An energy blessing and/or cleanse is an environmental recharge of the good energies within your home, office or workplace. Just like our own bodies can collect unwanted energies and require a clearing so does our environment. Stagnant, stuck and sometimes negative energies can tend to interfere with a healthy lifestyle, home life, productivity and overall  harmony. By clearing away these unwanted energies and revitalizing positive and uplifting energies, such things as; abundance, overall feeling of bliss, success, good health and tranquility can be restored.

Energy cleanses can be conducted for:

- moving into a new home

- redesigning a space or decluttering

- purification, restore health (clears bacteria in the air)

- after illness or passing of a loved one

- divorce

- boost intuition and spiritual connection

Price is quoted on a per case basis.

Book  your session today!

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